Hire an Affordable Wedding Videographer Because of These!

Okay, your big day is just a couple of months away! Your invitation cards are now on paper. You already chose the dishes that will be served, talked to your guests, bought your gown, souvenirs, and memorabilia. Maybe even booked your honeymoon trip! But have you considered saving all the seconds your wedding days in a video format as it unfolds? Well, read the below facts and reasons why you need to do such and hire an affordable wedding videographer.

Some national statistics regarding professional wedding video from LifeStage videos.

  • 98% of ALL newlyweds recommend future brides have their wedding professionally videotaped
  • Before their wedding, only 50% of brides-to-be consider video one of their top 10 wedding “must haves.” After the wedding, that number rises to 75%;
  • 45% of brides that have their wedding videotaped by an amateur would have preferred a professional videographer after viewing the results;
  • 38% of couples have their wedding videotaped (amateur and professional), compared to 98% that have their wedding professionally photographed. Of those that do not have their wedding videotaped, 68% regret their decision.


Stunning reasons to hire affordable wedding videographer

  1. See the whole event as it naturally unfolds. Watch how the others behave or react as you exchange vow. It is like watching your big day behind the scenes or in different angle or perspective. 
  2. Photos don't have a sound. 
  3. Do it for your kids. Let them see how the family started. Let them feel how special they are by watching the day that started it all. 
  4. No one in the family will have the guts to do it. Their focus is to be part of your big day, not to shoot videos and take photos for free. 
  5. This is not an amateur or home video or school project video. This is your big day. A once in a lifetime ceremony worth reminiscing. 
  6. You don’t want to have regretted not recording your big day or saving it in a poor quality, noisy video.
  7. Make your friends jealous! 

Are you now considering hiring wedding videographers? 

For sure there is an affordable one out there that’s ready to help you.

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